
Monday, April 26, 2004


Humans, being a miserable lot, focus on the negative side of things all too often. I speak from what I know. But I am not a misanthrope or absent of any hope. When good news stares me in the face, I can't and won't ignore it.

Last week was chock full of good news.

Winner of the greatest news in recent memory: Sunshine's tumor responded to the chemo, and has shrunk from 6cm to 3cm. In all, this result is the best of any anticipated scenarios.This means more chemo, as least a few more rounds. I suppose the ultimate goal is to shrink it down as much as possible. surgery to resect what remains is still a possibilty, although Sunny would be pleased to forego if she could. I am hoping fofr her sake that the remainder of her therapy is as "painless" as possible.

Last, my friend Kim was kind enough to send me a link to the Good News Network, a website that publishes positive stories. Unsurprisingly, the site is not super-current, as good news is tough to come by.

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