
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

By now it is no secret that Brian and I are expecting our child in October. I've not posted much because it is the main topic of mind these days, and I have all kinds of fears about bad juju brought on by talking about it.

Never realized how stupidly superstitious I could be. But, to be fair, it is equal parts stupidity and reluctance at taking the chance that something goes wrong and I have to tell everyone about it.

But now the baby is just about viable. VIABLE. This is incredible. At 22 weeks post-conception. This would not be an optimal situation by any imagining, but it is certainly a notable threshold.

Plus the amnio and ultrasound came back good. Big hurdles past now, more hurdles coming.

I am still staunchly pro choice but I now understand the case against late-term abortion more than I ever have. I would consider the case against late-term abortion, and in lieu, advocate induced labor as the preferred method. There is something more humane about giving birth to a nonviable preemie than puncturing its skull in utero and sucking its brains out in a D&E (Dilation and Extraction) procedure.

In fact, a D&E would be unthinkable to me at this stage unless the foetus was not viable. And even then, it would be tough for me to do. This doesn't mean it should be a choice for other women.

However, having experienced pregnancy to this stage so far, the only option with which I feel comfortable is termination up to the point of viability. Beyond that, abortion is murder. It seems pretty clear to me. If you can take the baby out and it can survive without you, then you are basically killing a living person. Up to that

Now that viability keeps getting pushed back through technological advances, that narrows the window of choice.

Or does it? Comments?

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